Meet Asaiah Thomas, Miss Teen Cayman Islands 2021


This past week we got the opportunity to catch up with Miss Teen Cayman Islands 2021, Asaiah Thomas.

Asaiah was crowned Miss Teen Cayman Islands on Saturday, 28 August, at the Lions Center.

The First Runner-up was contestant #7 Kianna Ebanks and Second Runner-up went to contestant #1 Niya Mothen.

Special awards were as follows:

  • Academic Excellence: Leah Robinson

  • Iliana Dela Cruz Community Spirit: Leah Robinson

  • Best Smile: Niya Mothen

  • Best Talent: Kianna Ebanks

  • Best in Gown: Asaiah Thomas

  • Miss Personality: Lexie Gould

  • Most Improved: Niya Mothen

  • Miss Photogenic: Lexie Gould

  • People’s Choice: Lexi Gould

Asaiah is passionate about education, reading and basketball. Keep reading to find out more about our new Miss Teen.


Asaiah Thomas and her family

T-stance on Pageantry(TSP): Who ya fah?

Asaiah Thomas (AT): Ha! I fa Theresa Thomas and Philip Thomas. Mommeh is from East End and Daddy is from Jamaica.

TSP: We hear you are a basketball player. Tell us about your background in basketball…

AT: Well, I started playing Basketball in Year 6 though I think I only got to play one game because I was actually really bad at it! Now I play Basketball with the Women of Valor Basketball club and I am usually on the starting five line up which I am very proud of!

TSP: That is great that you’re on the starting five line up! I too can relate to being ‘bad’ at my favourite sport. When I first started playing netball I was not very good. Mostly because I would get nervous during practices. So I was originally a sub on the B team x_x. But then one day I got subbed into the game and it was like a switch flipped, I wasn’t nervous, and I just played my heart out. As a result, I was no longer a sub. ;)

TSP: Other than basketball tell us what else you’re into…

AT: Other than basketball I spend most of my free time reading. I love fictional stories! My favourite series right now is ‘A Throne of Glass’ by Sarah J. Mass.

TSP: What’s your fave book?

AT: My favourite book is ‘Heir of Fire’ which is the 4th book in ‘A Throne of Glass’ Series by Sarah J. Mass. In this book, the main character finds out more about her heritage and finally figure out the type of person she wants to be.

TSP: I’ve never heard of this book series. But I just looked it up and it sounds interesting. I do enjoy a good book series.


TSP: What motivational quote do you live by?

AT: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” – Martin Luther King Jr.  I love this quote as I believe that all opinions on matters should be taken into account and that no one should be forced to stay silent on something they deeply care about.

TSP: Love this quote and well said.

TSP: When you look into the future where do you see yourself?

AT: In the future hopefully I am a successful Architect and or Construction Manager, living in a home I drew myself with a Rottweiler! I also hope to be able to help people in any way I can with what I have.

TSP: Wow! An Architect/Construction Manager, that’s so interesting. We usually don’t see women in that field, look at you breaking stereotypes and barriers.

TSP: What’s your fave basketball team? (NBA or WNBA) And who is your fave player?

AT: I will say I don’t have a favourite team as I play the sport more than I watch the sport but a player I do like to hear about is Kevin Durant. Right now he is playing with Brooklyn Nets.

TSP: Kevin Durant, I’ve heard of him…I think. My knowledge of basketball…

TSP: How would your friends describe you?

AT: I actually asked them once and they described me as unique, independent, hilarious, a dork and that “I simply put a smile on everyone’s face by being myself.” I honestly couldn’t ask for better friends. ☺ 

TSP: Aww that’s so sweet. Keep being you, because everyone else is taken. ;)

TSP: As a young child were you more likely to be playing video games, watching TV, reading a book or playing outside?

AT: I was doing it all! My mom actually used that one line that every kid should know, “You either stay inside or outside! Close my door!” I would often switch between playing outside with my neighbour and watching Disney Channel with my sister. It wasn’t until I was around 11 when I really got into reading.

TSP: I am dying! My mom used the say the same thing!! Omg, you said the magic words: Disney Channel.

TSP: If you could travel to any country in the world where would you go?

AT: I would like to go to Japan mainly for the food and I love the aesthetic that the pictures of Japan give off. The culture also really intrigues me.

TSP: Visiting Japan would be so cool. They have such a unique culture and not to mention all the sushi.


Asaiah Thomas attended Dolphin Academy

TSP: What high school did you attend and what house were you in?

AT: I went to John Gray High School and I was in the best academy DOLPHIN!!!!

TSP: *DJ Khaled voice: Anotha one (Mariah was also a Dolphin). Cchh…do ya’ll have to be the best at everything? As you can tell I was not in Dolphin…”Once a Wahoo, always a Wahoo.”

TSP: When you were in high school what was your fave subject?

AT: My favourite subjects were my chosen subjects. Technical Drawing, Design Technology and Physics. I know Physics isn’t usually a fan favourite and it was actually my lowest CXC grade but the class and the teacher made it so much fun to be a part of. Technical Drawing just brought me toward my future career in the Construction Industry and Design Technology was just a fun class to be in, the teacher would jump in on our jokes and I had enough friends in that class to keep me company.

TSP: All subjects that I was terrible in. I remember my Technical Drawing class with Mr Bodden, we had those T shape rulers we used to draw with, still couldn’t do it. -_- I don’t think we had Design Technology (or I can’t remember. Although come to think of it, we did have a tech class where we designed a cellphone holder LOL. Cell phone holder yah nah. Ccchhh I feel embarrassed admitting that. This was obvi back in the day when cell phones were newish.) As for Physics, what subject was that? lol

Me to Physics:

TSP: Who was your fave teacher (s)?

AT: That’s a very hard question to answer. All my teachers had their moments and I believe that every single one of them has helped me become the student I am today.
TSP: I’m sure they are all very proud of you.

TSP: What advice would you give to students to help them stay motivated in school?

AT: I would like to say that a High School Diploma can open more doors for jobs. You are more likely to get farther in life with retained education. Don’t give up in school, keep trying your best as that is all you can do, which is more than doing nothing.
TSP: Moral of the story, stay in school, kids.

TSP: With the title of Miss Teen, you won a scholarship. What do you plan on studying and where would you like to study?

AT: Well right now, I attend UCCI during the day where I am doing my Civil Engineering Associates Degree and CITI at night doing my Architecture certificate. My Future plan is to either attend SCAD in Savannah Georgia or a college that would better benefit me in England.

TSP: I’ve heard that SCAD is a good school. Wherever you go I’m confident you’ll be successful.

Pop Culture


TSP: What’s your fave TV show at the moment?

AT: My favourite TV show at the moment Is Supernatural. I love the relationship between the main characters. Though I will have to say my favourite character was Charlie though she was only in a few episodes.

TSP: I LOVE that show! Aah, good ole Sam & Dean Winchester hunting down the supernatural…good times.

TSP: What’s your fave movie?

AT: My favourite movie at the moment is The Book of Life. I recently watched it again with my sister and it won my heart all over again. 

TSP: I have never heard of this movie. So I’m going to add it to my list and let you know what I think.

TSP: What’s your fave TikTok challenge?

AT: I love the dance for ‘Love Nwantit’ I would do it but I still can’t get the moves right! I just love how every person that I’ve watched do it moves with such fluidity.

TSP: Child hush. You should have seen me watching a ‘how to video’ on it. I gave up immediately because I could hear the ancestors telling me “child please sit down.”

TSP: Nickelodeon or Disney Channel?

AT: Why would you ask me this question?! How am I supposed to choose? Disney Channel had ‘Cory in the House’, ‘Jessie’ and ‘The Suit Life on Deck’! Nickelodeon had ‘ICarly’, The Fairly Odd Parents’, and ‘Sponge Bob’! I simply won’t choose!

TSP: Just so you know you’re dealing with the queen of Disney Channel, there wasn’t a show or DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movie) that I didn’t know. As for the three shows you listed above, I know of them but they are definitely after my Disney Channel days. Although I still can’t believe they gave the Sprouse brothers a spinoff (I credit the Suite Life of Zack and Cody as the beginning of the end of my Disney Channel days.). Nickelodeon, I might have seen an episode of ICarly (maybe), I had a love/hate rel/ship with SpongeBob but as for The Fairly Odd Parents loved it.


TSP: Which Disney Princess resonates with you most and why?

AT: My grandma always liked to call me Pocahontas when I was smaller because of all the hair I had. Though right now I would say I resonate with is Princess Tiana. She was the only princess who wasn’t a princess from the start and she worked her way to the top by her own strength.

TSP: True! Love that Disney has been transitioning from the whole damsel in distress storyline and showing women as strong competent individuals. #girlpower

TSP: What celebrity do you admire and why?

AT: A celebrity I admire is Zendaya Coleman. She is just a beautiful young woman and carries herself with such pride and elegance I can only hope for. Everything she does she puts her best into and she was a huge part in my childhood with all the shows I watched.

TSP: Oh yes, I am familiar with the greatness that is Zendaya. Love how she’s unapologetically herself. That kind of authenticity is rare in Hollywood.


Miss Teen Cayman Islands Contestants 2021

Tell us about your experience competing in Miss Teen…

AT: I had more fun than I thought I would have. My pageant sisters were the main part of that and I know we gave the committee a lot of stress with there being 9 of us! Jada Bodden also made the experience much easier as she always had tips and tricks for us. The night of the pageant was so much fun, the opening dance was when we got to set the pace of the show and I got a lot of comments about how well we did. For the talent portion I played ‘Jeruselema’ on the Steel Pan which I was happy to see the crowd dancing along especially my mom. Then for the evening gown portion my dress zipper actually broke! So all of intermission was spent with me being sewn into the dress! At the end of the night my mom and grandma had to cut me out with a pair of scissors!

TSP: As you know I was the MC so I was backstage with yall and I heard that your zipper popped. (Shout out to Yanique Vernon Mitchell for her sewing skills.) But you went out onstage so unbothered, that no one knew anything was wrong. And I just wanna say “that is how you do it.”

TSP: We know you’re more of a sporty girl. So tell us how has the transition from sneakers to heels been going?

AT: A struggle! I’m 6’1” so I never really needed to wear heels before the Pageant. Why do they hurt so much?! It’s also terrible trying to find a shoe my size! Size 11! I mainly have to look in my mom’s closet.

TSP: Well you know, if you don’t want all that height, you could give some to me. LOL Size 11?! Oh. my. goodness.

TSP: Tell us about your platform and how you plan to advocate for it?

AT: My platform is “Empowered through Education”. I believe that Education is the way to a better future. When you are educated you feel more confident in yourself and what you can do. I don’t think education only relies on what you learn in school. Whatever you choose to learn whether it be how to sew or how to fix a bike that is still considered a part of education to me. You decided to take the time and learn something. With my title, I hope to reach out to schools and speak to kids about the importance of education and how helpful it would be in their future. Though it is hard to go into schools right now with the recent COVID outbreaks I am planning to make videos to post and keep children and adults motivated to continue their education.

TSP: Love the video idea! Social media is the way to go especially when trying to reach the youth.

TSP: What advice would you give to other young girls thinking of entering the pageant?

AT: GO FOR IT! Even if you feel like it may not be for you, you wont know until you try it. I believe that any girl who even considers entering the pageant has a lot of courage in their heart and that they can achieve anything they want in life. Be yourself through the whole process! You won’t have any fun if you pretend to be someone you are not to better appease other’s expectations.

TSP: You heard it straight from the queen herself.

Asaiah, it was such pleasure getting to know you better. Wishing a successful reign.

Follow Asaiah: @asaiah.thomas


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